

el hot pocket-o

Originally uploaded by gregandchristine.
In my attempts to reconsile my taste for Mexican/Latin cooking and my desire not to pay 11 dollars for 2 bucks worth of ingredients I decided to buy some masa and start trying out some recipes. I made these empanadas a couple days ago, and once the kitchen recovers I will give tamales a try. The filling in these is left over pot roast mixed with some red mole sauce. The first batch came out a little bland, so I seasened the dough better and crisped up the filling for round 2 which came out great. I ran out of meat and still had dough left so I made a goat cheese and black pepper, and a cashew butter and chocolate... both of which were really good combos. My conclusion as to why people (myself included) are willing to pay so much money for such simple food is the collosal mess involved in cooking them at home. It took me almost as long to clean up as it did to actually make and fry all the damn things.


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