

like a stick for getting termites

Colin is becoming much more industrious these days. He can finally reach the light switch so now he goes room to room looking for trouble. More worrisome is his discovery of tools. The other day we were in Costco and Colin picked up a Thomas DVD that includes a free wooden train. He usually carries one around and then gets really mad when we don't buy it when we leave. This time he kept trying to reach in my pockets, so I thought he wanted money to buy the DVD. I handed him a dollar and he threw it on the ground and kept digging into my pocket. I pulled out my keys and he grabbed them and sat on the floor with the DVD trying to stab it open to get to the toy. He got really made because I was laughing and I took the keys and DVD away from him. Then we went and played tag in the produce fridge and had some samples which always makes him happy


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